House IU

House IU


Moriyama Nagoya Aichi, Japan
Construction area:68.86㎡
Floor area:104.35㎡
Structural Design : Work shop Co., Ltd
Contractor : Toyonaka Construction Co., Ltd
It is a plan for a house to be built on the flagpole land of Nagoya City. In flagpole land, house is planned in the flag area, and the pole area is often not included in the plan. In the unplanned pole area, only a narrow blank space like an alley can be seen from the town, so it seems that the relationship with the town is rejected.

In this plan, the roof is started from the pole area, which is the point of contact with the town, and it is planned to extend to the flag area with a single stroke while bending. The roof starts at a height that you can reach when you reach out, and then slides up to a height of about 7.5 m. Seen from the town, the architecture is built up like a landscape. By targeting the entire site area of the flagpole area as a planning target, we aimed to eliminate the difference in the hierarchy between the flag area and the pole area, and to build a house that joins the town as a member of the area.